The Power of Intent

August 21, 2023 - In: action, Jeff's Weekly Action Blog

Establishing your purpose is the first step to realizing success in business and life. The next step is to ACT on that purpose INTENTIONALLY. This requires that we step past all the lip service we give ourselves and others and align ourselves with who we want to be in the future. It requires that we truly think about each action we take and stop robbing our future selves of the lives we could have had if we had kept our purpose in mind.

The Power of Intent ( July 30, 2023)

Establishing your purpose is the first step to success in both business and life. The next step is to act intentionally on that purpose. This requires moving beyond lip service and aligning actions with who you want to become. Be clear about your goals and the "why" behind them. If your goals don’t align with your purpose, you’ll find excuses or risk climbing the wrong mountain. Many, like a successful executive I read about, lose sight of their original purpose and end up regretting their choices.

Staying on Course

To avoid climbing the wrong mountain, use your power of intent wisely. Align your actions with your purpose, using your "why" as a guide. Reflect on past decisions that caused pain to your future self, not to dwell on mistakes, but to learn from them. Regularly evaluate your direction to make corrections before going too far off course. Like missing an exit on the road, it's easier to turn around quickly than to end up far from where you intended to go.


This week, schedule time for a self-evaluation exercise at least once a week. By journaling regularly, you’ll strengthen your "intent muscles." Focus on the mountain you're climbing and use your "why" to align your actions with your purpose. Start your journal with, "I harness the power of intent to ensure I am rising to my purpose," to keep your focus clear. My partner jokes that I’m brainwashing myself, but if it helps me stay on the right path, I’m fine with that.

The Power of Intent

August 21, 2023 - In: action, Jeff's Weekly Action Blog

Establishing your purpose is the first step to realizing success in business and life. The next step is to ACT on that purpose INTENTIONALLY. This requires that we step past all the lip service we give ourselves and others and align ourselves with who we want to be in the future. It requires that we truly think about each action we take and stop robbing our future selves of the lives we could have had if we had kept our purpose in mind.

The Power of Intent

( July 30, 2023)

Establishing your purpose is the first step to success in both business and life. The next step is to act intentionally on that purpose. This requires moving beyond lip service and aligning actions with who you want to become. Be clear about your goals and the "why" behind them. If your goals don’t align with your purpose, you’ll find excuses or risk climbing the wrong mountain. Many, like a successful executive I read about, lose sight of their original purpose and end up regretting their choices.

Staying on Course

To avoid climbing the wrong mountain, use your power of intent wisely. Align your actions with your purpose, using your "why" as a guide. Reflect on past decisions that caused pain to your future self, not to dwell on mistakes, but to learn from them. Regularly evaluate your direction to make corrections before going too far off course. Like missing an exit on the road, it's easier to turn around quickly than to end up far from where you intended to go.


This week, schedule time for a self-evaluation exercise at least once a week. By journaling regularly, you’ll strengthen your "intent muscles." Focus on the mountain you're climbing and use your "why" to align your actions with your purpose. Start your journal with, "I harness the power of intent to ensure I am rising to my purpose," to keep your focus clear. My partner jokes that I’m brainwashing myself, but if it helps me stay on the right path, I’m fine with that.

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The Road Warriors Entrepreneurs (RWE) is a powerful network of owner-operators and independent truckers committed to turning time on the road into successful, profitable businesses.

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© 2024 All right reserved. ROAD WARRIOR ENTREPRENEURS.