money and self worth

Re Claim Your True Worth

March 21, 20245 min read

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” - Rupi Kaur

In the ups and downs of life it’s easy to lose sight of our most valuable treasure: our sense of self-worth. Self worth is more than just feeling good about yourself, it's about recognizing your true value, even in the face of life's inevitable setbacks. 

In this article, you'll discover that your true worth shines bright, even when life gets tough. Uncover the secret to standing strong through any challenge.

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Many people seek self-worth in external achievements, not realizing that true value comes from within, leading to a cycle of dissatisfaction and preventing genuine self-acceptance and happiness. The better way is to cultivate self-worth is by focusing within, by truly accepting and loving yourself the way you are right now. 

A study by the University of Michigan found that self-compassion is a key component of self-worth. Self-worth is important because this study shows that it leads to higher levels of resilience and optimism, making us better equipped to navigate challenges. I’ve been on a personal journey to rediscover my own worth after a business setback, and have been grateful to find peace along the way. 

In life, knowing how much we matter helps us, especially when times are tough. The first step is to understand that we're all valuable just because we are here. Then, as we go through hard times and good times, we learn more about how strong and amazing we are. And don't forget about the friends and family around us; our connection with them shows us that we're all part of a big team. So, we're going to talk about three important ways we can see how much we matter: the value we're born with, the value we get from our experiences, and the value we share with others. Together, these ideas help us see how matter in this big world.

There 3 Types of Self Worth 🌟

1. Innate Worth:

Inside every one of us, there's a special light that never goes out. This light is like a secret that tells us we're all valuable, no matter what. The science of positive psychology has found that it is very important to our happiness and health that we understand how important we are, just because.

An interesting study in a big science magazine tells us that how much we matter doesn't depend on our accomplishments, our awards, or making other people happy all the time. This study tells us we're all great just by being ourselves. This doesn't change if we mess up or if we do something amazing.

Learning to see the light inside us teaches us something important: we're all worth a lot, not because of the things we do or have, but just because we're here. Believing this makes us feel better about ourselves and helps us treat others kindly, too.

2. Earned Worth: 

Earned worth is what you build through your actions and experiences. It's the wisdom you gain when you face challenges head-on and come out stronger. This kind of worth is like a badge of honor, showcasing your resilience and ability to grow through what you go through.

Scientists who study how our brains work say that when we face challenges and get through them, we grow on the inside, making us believe more in what we can do. I have experienced this first hand. Knowing that I can get through any challenge has become a super power for me. It doesn't make problems easy or fun, they are still uncertain and scary, but because I've made it through before, so I have faith that I can do it again.

Getting stronger from our experiences is a process throughout our whole lives. When we learn from our struggles, we overcome, and we start to see how much we are capable of.

We are the author of our own story, so every time we decide to face something difficult with bravery, we're not just getting through it; we're building our true value, piece by piece, through everything we experience.

3. Shared Worth

Shared worth is about our relationships and connections. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies on happiness, reveals that strong, meaningful relationships are a key predictor of happiness and longevity. This shared worth, rooted in connection and contribution, underscores the importance of being in service to others.

When Things Get Tough:

Sometimes, when bad things happen, we forget how strong we are. Scientists have found out that we usually remember the not-so-good stuff more than the good stuff, which is something our brains just do. But if we remember that everyone's brain does this, we can remind ourselves of how great we really are, even when things don't go our way. Believe it or not, getting through tough times can actually make us stronger and smarter.

Tips to Reclaim Your True Worth

Be Your Own Best Friend: Having your own back, being kind to yourself, especially when times are rough, is super important. You can feel less stressed and more happy if you treat yourself like your would treat a good friend.

Your Story Matters: Every single thing you've been through is part of your own special story. Writing down your adventures, both the good and the tough ones, can help you see how amazing you've been through it all.

Making Friends Through Helping: Helping others isn't just good for them; it's great for us too! Doing things like volunteering can make us feel closer to others, more important, and even happier and less stressed. Studies show that when we give back, it's like giving a gift to ourselves too.

The Strong, Amazing You

You matter. You are strong fortress that can handle any storm. Knowing deep down that you're always important, and remembering all the stories and facts that prove it, you can go through anything life throws at you, staying brave and calm. Remember that you're important just because you are you, learn from everything you go through, and be happy about the friends and family that make your life better. Cheers to finding out every day just how unstoppable and awesome you really are!

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not financial advice and is for informational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified financial professional before making any financial decisions.

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